The teaser of the recently released film "Address" starring actor Adarva under the direction of director Rajamohan has been garnering huge acclaim from the film industry and fans alike. Kannada superstar Sivarajkumar, who saw the teaser of the film in that manner, praised the director with great surprise, shared the teaser of the film on his social media page and released a video recording praising the film.
When a long time friend of director Rajamohan met him recently, I was asked about his "Address" film. The center of the story was very different. Showed me the teaser of the film. The teaser was so awesome. The title of the film was telling the story. This film will be the work of people who will make a difference. The scenes were all wonderfully filmed. Adarva played well. The team seems to have worked hard in the teaser itself. Said my congratulations on the huge success of the film.
Director Rajamohan shared about this ..
I worked with Vijay Milton as an assistant to them for a long time. He is my guru on screen. Even after becoming a director the public he calls will see him work on films. Vijay Milton Sir is now keeping Kannada superstar Sivarajkumar with them and directing the film. I also worked on it. I knew Sivarajkumar beforehand and when he inquired about me, I showed him the teaser of my film. Surprised and asked all the things about the film and found out. He complimented me a lot and talked about this film to everyone on the set. It was a great pleasure to see a superstar in front of everyone with such meticulousness. But he also persistently listened to Tease and shared it on his social media page, praising the film and the crew and asking them to post a video and publish it. The actor, who is at the very top, praised our film so much that it has given him immense joy and excitement. The teaser of the movie Address has also been receiving rave reviews from fans. He said the film will definitely be a popular work that will meet everyone’s expectations.
Producer Ajay Krishna has produced the film "Address" directed by Rajamohan and starring Adarva.