SATISH RAMAKRISHNAN TIME TRAVEL 23232323 The beginning' is a film that tells the story of three centuries of events. Satish Ramakrishnan is in charge of editing the story, screenplay and script. He had earlier shot a film titled 'Tamilananen'.When the director talks about this '2323' film,"It's a story that takes place over three centuries, that is, in 300 years. I take this in three parts. The film begins in the first part in 2020. The story ends in 2323 in the third part.Now I have created the first part. This is the story that starts in 2020.A man named Mayon discovers an invention that controls nature. You can create a storm with it. Can control. But his enemies steal his scientific technology and use it against him to destroy him. The story is how he fights them and recovers. "Teaser praised by director Subramaniam Siva '' 2323 the beginning ''